21.04.2022 How to share parental rights in a divorce?
"The issue of parental rights has always been a sick topic. A distinction must be made between the exercise of parental rights and the place of residence of children," lawyer Raina Avramova told The Day Begins". ...
16.06.2020 How does a father want to rob his own child? Attorney Raina Avramova, "Themis The Price of the Extract"
How responsible are we for the peaceful growth of our children, even though our marriage to the other parent is over ..., and is revenge worth it? One of the possible options for our children to be even indirect victims ...
27.03.2020 A lawyer: The country must also help the self-employed people
On March 24, at a press conference at the Council of Ministers announcing the economic and social measures of the government to combat the effects of COVID 19 Minister Goranov called almost 1 million Bulgarians practicing freelance and self-employed persons „marginals“, the latter being left out of the economic package. Based on the etymology of the word "marginal person", it follows that all these Bulgarian citizens are out of action, as they are on the border of different social groups, systems, cultures, and under the influence of conflicting norms, values, etc. And all this contradicts with the law, The Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and the opinion of the European Commission that in this unprecedented situation it is necessary to take measures to reduce the impact on employment by assisting not only people employed under employment contract but also self-employed people.
21.11.2019 Directly - publically distribution of the case NBPP/BISOFT
The system for random distribution of the cases chose judge Ivaylo Mladenov for distributor for the case initiated in Court of Appeal - Sofia on the occasion against definion on SGS, by which a security measure was granted "ban" for using software products, which is representing a single reporting information system for accounting for legal aid with European funds under the operational program good governance, with who NBPP and bar associations work with since September 2018. The case is with number 5697/2019 and it will be reviewed in Court of Appeal - Sofia.