DECISION PPN-01-604/2023/ OF THE COMMISSION FOR PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA - HIGHER ADVOCATE COUNCIL fined BGN 5,000 for unlawful processing of personal data.
At the request of Adv. Raina Avramova meetings of the HIGHER ADVOCATE COUNCIL /VAdvS/ in connection with the application of the LAW ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA, the COMMISSION FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA /KZLD/ in its reasons in Decision No. PPN-01-604/2023/ dated 14.05.2024. has accepted that the processing of personal data by the VAdvS was carried out in violation of the principles of legality, good faith and transparency under Article 5.
1, b. "a" of Regulation 2016/679, insofar as the distribution of information about the EGN identifier is in principle prohibited on the basis of Art. 25g, para. 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act, and its disclosure through publication to a potentially unlimited circle of third parties, without preventive or suspensive measures being taken, is in bad faith and non-transparent in relation to the data subject.